Basic Ugly Christmas Sweater Wallpaper
Thirty-eight thousand four hundred twenty knitted squares make up these new wallpapers, which coincidently happens to be precisely the same number of times I swore & went crossed-eyed designing this piece.
50 Shades of Blue Wallpaper
The 50 Shades of Blue Wallpaper: inspired by a logo I created while sitting through a painfully long 'go around the table and introduce yourself' section on a Zoom meeting.
BasicApple Wallpaper (now with Stripe!)
BasicApple Wallpaper, now with 100% more stripe! I also fiddled around with the shading/textures on the coffee mug itself, so that should look a little better now too!
BasicApple Wallpaper
I’m releasing a wallpaper for your various iDevices with the new logo I profiled recently. Please download & enjoy!