iPod Touch Wallpapers

In a final homage to the iPod touch, I’ve recreated their exclusive wallpapers for your iPhone.

Last week hit many of us in the feels when Apple announced that the iPod touch (aka the last iPod) was being discontinued. Some coped by posting eulogies or reminiscences about the iPod (guilty), while some coped by scrambling to get their hands on the limited remaining supply of 7th generation iPod touches. The iPod touch is sold out across the US and is scarcely available in only a few stores across Canada. Overnight, the iPod touch turned into the hottest product in Apple's lineup.

Upon news of the iPod's demise, I wanted to use the device-specific dotted-gradient wallpaper preloaded on the iPod touch as my iPhone wallpaper. Unfortunately, because they were designed for a 4-inch touch display, when scaled, the wallpapers looked horrendous on my 6.8-inch Pro Max display. I had to take matters into my own hands, and so I recreated them.

Eleven iPhone wallpapers were created to match the 2012 & 2015/2019 iPod touch colours. The 2012 collection includes wallpapers matching those found on the Space Grey, Silver, Yellow, Blue, Pink, & (PRODUCT) Red iPod Touches, while the 2015/2019 collection includes Space Grey, Silver, Gold, Blue, & Pink. Enjoy.

Notes: I couldn't ascertain whether the early 2012 iPod Touch in Slate (before it changed to Space Grey) had a dotted gradient wallpaper, so it's currently not included. The 2012 (PRODUCT) Red wallpaper was white, while the 2015/2019 iPod touch (PRODUCT) Red model used the same wallpaper as the Silver model.

2012 Wallpapers

2015/2019 Wallpapers

iOS 7 Beta Dots

In addition to the wallpapers included with the iPod touch, as a minor July update, I am adding this dotted wallpaper that briefly appeared in the early iOS 7 betas before being pulled ahead of its final release. Enjoy.


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Minimal M1


Six Retro Stripes