basicappleguy.com launched one year ago, on April 21, 2020.
One year ago, I launched basicappleguy.com, only a few months after starting the Twitter account of the same name. When I launched the site, I had only a few dozen followers on Twitter, and in the first month, I managed to attract less than a couple hundred views to the site (a good portion of which were unquestionably me accessing the site on a variety of different devices).
First, I want to say that I’m humbled & beyond appreciative to everyone who has connected with me through the site & social media over the past year! The conversations we’ve had and the spirit of the Apple community over the past year inspired me to create this site. I’ve been the proverbial “long-time listener, first-time caller” to the Apple community, having spent years watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, and reading blog posts. This site was my first step towards engaging with and creating content and sparking conversation amongst the Apple community.
I couldn’t have started this at a more critical moment—the site launched during one of the most intense and uncertain periods early in the pandemic. I regularly wrote in the evenings to the background sound of police, ambulance, and fire trucks wailing through the streets as a sign of support to patients and staff in the nearby hospitals & care homes that were experiencing record losses of life. When I couldn’t see loved ones, when every routine & plan had been upended, and when my work was to support the mental health of a community reeling with record unemployment and uncertainty, writing for the site became a form of self-care, a refuge from the chaos of the day. The site became a place to temporarily place the pandemic on the back burner and focus on writing about something I had always been deeply passionate about.
A year later, my goal with this site remains the same, to be a place where my appreciation and musings on Apple can continue onward. I am incredibly thankful to everyone over the past year, and excited to see what year two has in store!