iPad Pro First(ish) Impressions
They may not be the first, and they may not be the best, but here are my iPad Pro first(ish) impressions.
Smart Keyboard Folio
The writing is on the wall: Apple and the Smart Keyboard Folio are breaking up.
Let Loose Apple Event Bingo
What better time to “Let Loose” and play some Apple Event Bingo than at 07:00 am on some random Tuesday?
Saltern Study
Saltern Study is a collection of cubist wallpapers paying homage to an incredible Canadian photographer and one of my favourite images Apple used marketing the iPad Pro in 2016.
The State of iPad
25 price points, nine colour finishes, six different models, five screen sizes & chip variations, four different keyboard accessories, three different connectivity options, two different pencils; 1 chaotic lineup.
‘Meh’ of 2021
Apple released some incredible products in 2021, but not all stars shine as brightly as others. These are the others.
The Next 11” iPad Pro
The iPad Air 4 was a quantum leap for customer tablets, but where does that leave the next 11” iPad Pro?
Woolnut Leather Folio for iPad Pro
The Woolnut Leather Folio is a premium leather case for the iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard.