Apple Pride

Apple has been a growingly vocal advocate of the LGBTQ+ community, from supporting advocacy organizations to their products (i.e., annual pride bands and wallpapers) and their participation in pride-based events & initiatives.

For the past two San Fransisco Pride Parades, Apple employees held new signage and wore shirts that showcased the Apple logo backed with the six colours of the 1979 pride flag and colours for the Black and Latin community, HIV/AIDS awareness, and for transgender and non-binary individuals.

So last year (I sat on this wallpaper for a while), I doodled and extrapolated a few versions as Mac wallpapers for my personal use, and I am releasing it this year for folks to use on their Macs, iPads, and iPhones. Enjoy!


Pride Version 01

Pride Version 02


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Touch Grass


iOS Nebula Wallpaper