Final Cut iOS

Final Cut debuting on iOS has been fantasized and rumoured about for as long as there's been an iOS. But that speculation took on a fever pitch when Apple introduced the iPad Pro with M1. Certainly, a chip that wicked fast would surely get a pro-grade video editor. And it did, but it wasn't Final Cut. Lumafusion has been knocking it out of the park for years with its excellent video app, and Divinci Resolve announced its editor alongside the debut of the M2. Still, Final Cut continues to be suspiciously absent. Will 2023 be the year? No. But rumours are once again swirling around a potential 2024 date. Like Bigfoot or Loch Ness, evidence of an iOS Final Cut remains highly elusive, yet many still ardently believe it's out there, waiting to be discovered.

Anyways, thanks for reading all that! Now here's an iOS-style Final Cut icon I made compliments of Sketch during an administrative meeting so dull & full of corporate speak that making this icon was the only thing that helped preserve my sanity.

And if you're unfamiliar with setting custom icons in iOS via the shortcuts app, good friend The Bearded Teacher (aka Stephen Robles) has created a great tutorial to guide you through!


Final Cut icon


Feels Like Spring


Apple Tysons Corner