Apple Silicon Inside Stickers Now Available in Silver & Space Black
Has the Magic Worn Off?
I've had a chance to field-test the Magic Keyboard these past three months in a variety of environments: my living room, my kitchen, my bedroom (these are pandemic times after all), and formed some impressions about the keyboard and how it compares to Apple’s other offering: the Smart Keyboard Folio.
Why Are People Buying the Series 3?
Time and time again, the people I talk to are opting for the Series 3, and in this post, I wanted to reflect on why that might be the case, and how Series 3 is perfectly positioned in Apple's ecosystem for first-time buyers.
On the Mac
macOS Big Sur & the transition to Apple Silicon has made me the more excited for the Mac roadmap than I have been in over a decade. Is the Mac, and Mac development, is on the cusp of being dramatically reinvigorated?
Apple Store Reopening Timeline: June
June saw Apple reopen 234 additional retail stores globally. However, surging cases in the United States and an isolated outbreak of COVID-19 in the UK resulted in Apple closing 33 retail locations in June, with additional closures beginning in July.
Patina Challenge
Saddle Brown: Equal parts beautiful and a neurotic persons worst nightmare.
Beats 1 Turns 5
“Alright man, we've got to kick this whole thing off at some point. We've spent the last three months trying to build this radio station, and now we can build no more, we must launch…”
Beats Repair
While I was not impressed to find a tear in the material ear cup on my Beats Solo Pro headphones, I am blown away at the speed with which Apple handled the repair process.
TL;DR: Logistics is nuts!