Apple Silicon Inside Stickers Now Available in Silver & Space Black
Accidental iOS 4
Accidentally created iOS 4’s iconic droplet wallpaper while evading an oncoming storm.
WWDC23 Impressions
From 3,500 kilometres away, I have some impressions about what went down at WWDC.
Landscape Home Screen
Imagining the possibilities with the return of a native landscape orientation to the iPhone.
Splash Screen
iOS 15’s ‘hello’ splash screen wallpapers are here for your iPhone and iPad.
Slow is Smooth & Smooth is Fast
It's time for Apple to shift away from the annual feature-packed release cycle.
iOS 11 Meet iMac
I never cared for the stock iOS stripe wallpapers ever since they debuted on iOS 11. But once they were refreshed with the new bold colours of the new iMac, these wallpapers slap!
When Worlds Collide
What would happen if you took the default iOS 14 wallpapers and blended it with one of the most iconic Aqua wallpapers from Mac OS X?