Rewind 2021: Wallpapers
Before we look towards 2022, here’s a look back at five of my favourite wallpapers from the past year.
I look back fondly at how I grew and developed this site over the past year. What started with the intention of being a way to connect & contribute to the Apple community has blossomed into a blog that's received countless kudos and features by prominent journalists and Apple news sites. But perhaps most surprising has been how much of that growth has been sparked by the wallpapers I've started to develop.
When I started this site, my only aim was to be a place where I could write short little articles about Apple-related topics; designing wallpapers was never part of the plan. It started innocently by creating header images for each post, exercising a long-dormant design muscle. Having the time and space, I began to experiment with concepts that resulted in designs that continued to be well received by the community. Before long, wallpapers became one of the things I am now known for.
This entry recaps five of my favourite wallpapers over the past year. Enjoy.
Ive’s Arch
The rainbow stage inside the courtyard of Apple Park is a tribute to the late Steve Jobs designed by Jony Ive. Apple's Spring Loaded event prominently showcased this stage numerous times, inspiring me to create this clean, bright, and minimalistic wallpaper.
Click on the link below to the entry/downloads page for the Ive’s Arch wallpaper.
macOS Bliss
The most recognized photograph on Earth gets the macOS treatment! I wanted to create a clean, minimalist macOS inspired wallpaper and chose the iconic gently sloping hills from Windows XP as my subject.
Created in Sketch, this wallpaper was also my first dynamic wallpaper, with morning, day, evening, and night variations that change throughout the day. While simple in appearance, creating the design and then making three more variations that each looked stunning on their own and worked harmoniously together made this one of my most ambitious wallpaper projects to date.
Click on the link below to the entry/downloads page for the macOS Bliss wallpapers.
iPod Socks: Wallpaper
The iPod socks are undoubtedly my favourite Apple accessory. Scratch that; they might be my favourite Apple product! Released over a decade and a half ago, these iconic socks have been lovingly and faithfully pixel-stitched into gorgeous wallpapers for your iPhone.
Click on the link below to the entry/downloads page for the iPod Socks wallpapers.
iPhone Schematic Wallpapers
These schematics (for both the iPhone 13 & iPhone 12) turned out to be the most well-received wallpapers I have created. Their minimalist designs reveal the exquisite intricacy that lies mere millimetres under the metal and glass of the iPhone, highlighting an interior that is every bit as refined, meticulous, and beautiful as the exterior of the iPhone.
Click on the link below to the entry/downloads page for the iPhone 12 & 13 Schematic wallpapers.
Making mini Waves
The last wallpaper of this 2021 Rewind is also my final wallpaper of 2021. Making mini Waves was inspired by the colours of the stock wallpapers that came bundled with Apple's latest iPad mini. Four distinct wave patterns comprise a clean and minimal contoured wallpaper that stuns when displayed on any Apple device.
Click on the link below to the entry/downloads page for the Making mini Waves wallpapers.
I’m a one-person operation, working in healthcare by day and running this site as a passion project in my off time. If you enjoy my work (the articles, the wallpapers, my general demeanour… anything really), please consider leaving a tip through buymeacoffee. I sincerely appreciate the tips & comment’s ya’ll leave. I read through, save, and respond to every comment you leave. Thank you!